Wellbeing and mental health issues were increasing exponentially prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. The higher education sector has seen a growing number of cases over the past few years. Universities and the NHS alike are struggling to meet current demand. However, how do you square the circle with demand rising and resources frequently constrained?
The first option is to critically review the processes that are currently in use. We typically find that historic processes are simply not fit for purpose creating stress for both applicants and those delivering the service. An in-depth review can typically highlight opportunities to change and automate outmoded working practices to create additional capacity using existing resources. A recent Virtual Rapid Improvement Event with a Russell Group University highlighted the potential to increase capacity by 40-45%. However, this needs to be undertaken in a holistic manner and take into consideration the needs of users, staff and stakeholders alike if a truly transformative change is to occur and be sustained.
Skills4Success UK Ltd are always happy to undertake an analysis to identify the level of capacity improvement that potentially exists and provide a route map to achievement.